Québec/Canada XR
A think tank for independent XR creativity:

A think tank for independent XR creativity:

  • Fostering collaboration to spur creative and technology developments in the field
  • Enabling large-scale co-production projects
  • Bringing stakeholders together to influence market modalities (funding, production, distribution)

Quebec/Canada XR provides the community with:

  • Fostering collaboration to spur creative and technology developments in the field
  • Enabling large-scale co-production projects
  • Bringing stakeholders together to influence market modalities (funding, production, distribution)


Both a task team and think tank, Quebec/Canada XR strives to support auteur-driven independent XR projects and establish ties among the sector’s leading players and institutions as well as with the fields of education, journalism, museums, and the arts in general.

Quebec/Canada XR, an initiative by Xn Québec, the Phi Centre, MUTEK, Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC), and Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM), has received support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the government of Quebec.

Quebec/Canada XR is pleased to join forces with AFXR (a French-language association of XR producers resulting from the merger of UNI-XR and AFRV in France).

This collaboration is designed to publicize emerging practices and encourage information-sharing about them so as to create a viable international community consisting of professionals dedicated to promoting this sector of activity.

Right from its inception, Quebec/Canada XR has identified the various issues of interest to creators, producers, and broadcasters.

With respect to the development of XR works:
  • The need for an XR-specific creative methodology separate from the traditional tools of film production
  • The need for artists to collaborate with XR professionals from the earliest project stage so as to build more robust projects that meet market needs more effectively
  • The scarcity of financial resources despite multiple institutions’ stated policy of giving the digital arts a greater role to play
  • Competition among creators, which stems directly from the scarcity of financial resources and which causes rifts within the XR industry, thereby hindering collaboration
  • Ethical questions with regard to artists’ responsibilities, potential medical and psychological consequences, and other issues
With respect to production and funding:
  • The challenge of technology developments, which often occur at breakneck speed, thereby potentially making XR projects – which may require many years of development – obsolete
  • The difficulty for small independent producers to carve out their place alongside industry giants
  • The issue of funding strategies: Should producers prioritize private or public funding? How can they adjust to the constant change in funding sources? Should they build alliances with larger production companies?
With respect to distribution, licencing, and presentation:
  • The shortage of information on distribution opportunities on digital platforms, in museums, in galleries, and at festivals is a challenge that most creators and producers face
  • Insufficient knowledge of licences, copyrights, and operating rights
  • Challenges connected to creating viable business plans in a sector that is still under development and in which ROI is difficult to forecast
  • The issue of insufficient visibility for XR and the limited number of viewers who have access to these kinds of works
  • The high costs of exhibiting XR works
  • The challenge that technology developments pose to distribution efforts
  • The issues relating to protecting private data

Quebec/Canada XR will work toward answering these questions.

Our proposals include: creating a methodology charter for the development of XR works; organizing events to bring industry professionals together and encourage collaboration; defining an ethics program; implementing a monitoring program to collect and centralize information about the industry; providing training; developing clear evaluation tools; establishing advocacy groups to defend the sector’s interests; and creating a matrix to collect information about every XR experience to ascertain what works and what doesn’t in this particular sector.


About our recent launch

On May 17, 2019, the Québec/Canada XR initiative was launched at the Cannes Festival, at Cannes XR Hub, with the Honourable Nathalie Roy, the Quebec Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister responsible for the French Language as well as some top Quebec talent, including Felix & Paul Studios, Dpt. And Thierry Loa, in attendance.

The event was presented by SODEC (the Quebec government agency dedicated to fostering the province’s cultural sector).

The event was presented by SODEC (the Quebec government agency dedicated to fostering the province’s cultural sector).

View the press release


Forthcoming events organized in partnership:

  • MUTEK – Forum IMG , August 20 to 22, 2019 > Common codes
  • Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC), October 2019 > Festival from October 9 to 20
  • Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) , November 2019 > RIDM Forum from November 16 to 20


  • Follow us on Twitter for the latest news
  • Stay current with the community of creators, producers, and broadcasters on Slack