- 17 DÉCEMBRE 2021 -
Get ready for a full day of disruptive ideas and ground-breaking insights as we bring together the most revolutionary minds and reflect on the next big thing.
- Learn what the best minds in the industry are focusing on
- Skip the cliches and dive deep into the real issues
- Get an insider view on how the leading companies see the future, and how they’re planning to get there
- Connect & network with others (50K+ have already been invited!)
Topics include
Metaverse platforms - Avatars and Meta Humans - Volumetric - Blockchain - NFTs - Cryptocurrency - Privacy - Other
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Les données météorologiques sont actuellement pas disponible pour cet emplacement
Bulletin Météorologique
Aujourd'hui stec_replace_today_date
stec_replace_current_temp °stec_replace_current_temp_units
Vent stec_replace_current_wind stec_replace_current_wind_units stec_replace_current_wind_direction
Humidité stec_replace_current_humidity %
Feels like stec_replace_current_feels_like °stec_replace_current_temp_units
Date de fin
stec_replace_icon_divstec_replace_min / stec_replace_max °stec_replace_temp_units
Prochaines 24 heures
Propulsé par Forecast.io